For me, the perfect relationships are the ones in which the imperfections are handled well.

For me (and in the context of pretty much any relationship: friend, partner, child), the perfect relationship is one where the imperfections are handled well. When I am presented with anything that feels “picture perfect” (like this window box in a Chelsea flower show show garden) I find myself thinking “in my LIfe this levelContinue reading “For me, the perfect relationships are the ones in which the imperfections are handled well.”

So what is this “Counselling” all about then?

When people ask “so what is counselling?” I say, for me, counselling is about creating the conditions where a client feels safe and supported enough to bravely turn and interact with their emotions from a position of curiosity rather than a position of fear or dread, and thereby gain understanding, rather than trying to outrunContinue reading “So what is this “Counselling” all about then?”

Think of emotions as motorcycle couriers trying to get a message to you

I think the trouble starts when some of us have been taught by those who cared for us growing up that certain emotions are bad or negative when the fact we have them at all means they must serve some useful purpose otherwise evolution would have got rid of them a long time ago.  Rather than working like madContinue reading “Think of emotions as motorcycle couriers trying to get a message to you”